
Here is Lucy on Saturday.
I am opposite her but not enclosed in a meshy kitty tent.
I like to protect her when we are on our deck.  There is a mean squirrel who yells at us from the tree tops.  There are two huge crows who seem to stalk us.  There are geese.  There are ducks.  There are turkey vultures sometimes. 
Amidst all of this animal outdoor chaos…Lucy and I have a routine.  She sits and snoozes.  I sit and read.  We get a bit of sun.  We relax.  We watch my husband mow and mulch and weed.  He sometimes joins us for a break or when he is ready to stop his yard work.  He tells us how many weeds are in our lawn and how our neighbors seem to be weed free and he doesn’t understand why we have so many weeds and no one else does.  Lucy and I have heard all of this weed talk before.  I am sure we will hear it again, probably next Saturday.   Lucy and I sort of listen while we read and soak up sun.  Lucy and I prefer the pretty part of gardening.  We like to buy flowers and put them in pretty pots and watch them grow.  We don’t really like the other part of gardening…the getting your hands dirty part.  I just had a manicure yesterday…after all.
This was our Saturday. 
I hope you are having a lovely weather day…what are you doing this Saturday?
Gardening?  Farmer’s Market?  Relaxing outside?  Listening to a loved one go on and on about his weeds?

11 thoughts on “Lazy…Sunny…Saturday!!!

  1. Alyce says:

    Your kitty looks so cute and cozy! I've never heard of a kitty tent before.

    I'm with you – I'd prefer not to dig around in the dirt. 🙂 I've actually taken to hiring a neighbor girl to weed for me.

    We have the same problem with our lawn vs. the neighbors' lawns. I don't know what their secret is.


  2. Mary says:

    We'll be dealing with the occasional dandelion in the next few weeks, I'm sure. My hubby applied the weed & feed but it's not always a complete success.
    Does Lucy ever try to escape the protective net?


  3. Marie says:

    Looks like a great way to spend a lazy sunny day. Sounds like a great day. We were watching the river rise in our backyard and waiting for the winter storm to reach us. Yep, apparently we are not done with winter. *sigh*


  4. Ti says:

    We had a weed problem even though our yard is maintained by a gardener and it was the fertilizer he was using. Weed pods… grew into big weeds. Changed fertilizer. Now? No more weeds!

    I wondered why Lucy was in that tent. I thought perhaps the mosquitos were bad. LOL.


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