12 To 3…

Everyone waiting for repairmen, services or deliveries knows what a huge boring window of wasted time that is! We are waiting for furniture so most of our downstairs is out of place. Den has done everything he could possibly do to prep the family room. Furniture is either stored in the basement or routed to new homes in other rooms. The family room is freshened…and now we just wait. Oh…my in house stylist…Den…feels the need for throw pillows for the sofa…so he may zip out for a few…our choices are T.J.Maxx or Pottery Barn.

I just want my family room back…the girls and I have been stuck upstairs since late afternoon yesterday.

And all of our visitors have been upstairs with us, too. Johanna..my wonderful PT…we did exercises and our walking workout upstairs…much to Roxie’s delight. Roxie is totally infatuated with Johanna. She crawls into Johanna’s lap while I do exercises. Johanna holds her and directs me!

Then at around 7:00 at night this wonderful Mary Poppins like Visiting Nurse came to change my seaweed wound bandage. She is the “after hours” nurse and could not have been more amazing and kind! She has been a nurse for over 40 years! She covers all of the people who didn’t get covered by 4:00 and she is on call until 8:00 in the morning! She was inspirational!

Yesterday was a long day. I could barely keep my eyes open for Survivor! The good news for me is that even though I am still waking up during the night…I can fall back to sleep again more quickly! Last night I didn’t even move to my big pink chair! It was heavenly! But…I am still getting a recliner for that corner of our bedroom…one of these…I think during the next few months I might need it and although I love my pink chair…it’s just not comfortable. I had a visit from a friend who just went through Chemotherapy. She has the same sleep issues I have. She says as soon as she wakes up…at that dreaded 2 or 3 o’clock time…she sneaks downstairs to her family room with a book…gets into her recliner and falls sound asleep! I want that for me!

I am off to walk and wait…I need to save energy to help Den put the family room in order later.

Oh! I got my hair lobbed yesterday! It’s a short bob and my head feels so much lighter!

Thinking of all of you! Enjoy this lovely day!


17 thoughts on “12 To 3…

  1. Laurel-Rain Snow says:

    Oh, I am so happy that you are up and about more, planning changes in your family room, and getting a new recliner. I love both of those, but the top one fits nicely into my rooms…LOL.

    Your hair looks great! Bet you feel like a new person now.

    Enjoy the day. Photos of the new family room, please! And yes, that waiting for stuff to arrive is annoying….


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