Kind Of Not Fair…


I am at home reading and staying away from germs and Den is out to lunch with his boys. And to make it worse they are at an amazing Mexican food restaurant…chomping on chips, Pico de Gallo and lots of other Mexican delights. Sigh! I guess he needs a break from me every once in a while…plus yesterday we finally took down Christmas! We both promptly fell asleep by 9:00. I can easily get fatigued…just a heavy curtain of exhaustion from everything I am taking…when that happens I can’t even talk…I just have to stop somewhere and put my head down…sigh!


I love love love this book! I have only read one other book of hers so I have sort of forgotten her writing style. This book is lovely…funny in parts but sad in parts, too. I don’t want to say anything specific about it…just that I don’t want to put it down. I am captured by the story but I think it might make eventually make me cry.

I am off to prepare a list of questions that I shall be asking/grilling Den about his luncheon. I just can’t help myself!






18 thoughts on “Kind Of Not Fair…

  1. Ti says:

    Did you bring some food back for you?

    That curtain of exhaustion is how I feel when I get glutenized. Hasn't happened to me in a long time but it's like someone blew your candle out.


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