Happy! Double Triple Happy!

Today is an exciting day! I may get to sit in Weggieman’s Parking Lot! We need carrot cake and fudgy chocolate cake and I need to go with Den to talk him into getting both. If all goes well I will get to sit in the parking lots of Target and Home Depot, too…two of my fave parking lots!

Prepare to yearn for cake! These are the best!

Yesterday when we were in the parking lot of Country Butcher my neighbor happened to be in Country Butcher, too. We had the best conversation in our car while Den shopped. We laughed…we caught up with each other’s lives…of course I cried…I always cry but it was a good cry! It’s an entire new chapter of my life called “parking lot conversations”. I sit in my car and people come to me!



Yesterday I yearned for this book and today I got it! Thank you NetGalley and Flatiron Books! Thank you! This book promises to be screamingly dysfunctional! I can’t wait! I think I am addicted to exclamation marks!!! And…three are much better than one…

Finished this…it takes place in Hannibal, Missouri and alternates between Laura’s life and facts shout Mark Twain and his writings. It was really good and sort of sad…because most of the people in Laura’s life were poor and addicted to various drugs…and bad stuff followed them everywhere!

Now my real book is this one…

My ebook is still this one…

Up next for my ebook…hmmm…hopefully this one.


Tonight’s dinner…and hopefully CAKE!

Have a great week end…stay warmish or coolish…see you Monday!





10 thoughts on “Happy! Double Triple Happy!

  1. Ti says:

    The parking lot conversations make me sad!! Are you trying to stay away from the germs?
    I certainly hope you have cake tonight since there was such a build-up. LOL.


  2. Stefanie Ng says:

    Oh boy cake! Yum! I made carrot cake once for the husband's birthday last year. I was relieved it came out good, a Nordstrom recipe. Glad you got in some fresh air and that neighbors notice you're out and about and come chat with you.


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