So…It’s Wednesday…And Almost Sunny!

Yesterday my kindle broke! I think I go through kindles the way some people go through…ok…I can’t think of anything that people go through! Shoes? Cereal? Shampoo? Yikes!

I have a paperwhite…Den has a paperwhite…I think the one I bought yesterday is my fourth kindle. Amazon is always gracious…they help out with a discount…I don’t think they like getting them sent back…my kindle stopped charging so I got the newest one…I love gadgets…I can’t wait to start reading on this one…better print, longer charge and different page turners! I love gadgets…I only hate when a new version comes out too soon after I buy what I think is the latest version.


Sort of enjoying this book…but again…beach books just aren’t doing it for me the way they used to…I am already mad at one husband and find the other husband kind of annoying. Actually really annoying…

Today is a blood test day and a visit with the happy Oncology nurses! I can complain about how tired I am and they will both say…of course you are tired you poor sweet thing ( I probably added that )…Saint Den is into telling me to man up lately but I really do need to man up…I am running out of shoulders to cry on…and I don’t want a rep as a cryer…sigh! Everything is harder right now…I am trying to “man up” but I am not manning up enough!

Off to rest and read and look forward to my new kindle…




10 thoughts on “So…It’s Wednesday…And Almost Sunny!

  1. Ti says:

    I think his “man up” phrase isn't quite right for this situation. You've been dealing with all of this the best way you know how. He probably sees the end of the finish line in sight now and just wants you to see it too. You know how runners get that last surge of energy to cross the line? Yeah, that. I used energy but you know what I mean.

    So, what does this new Kindle do that the one didn't? You know how hard it was for me to get my Kindle after dropping my ever-faithful one. I STILL feel the pain over losing all those library books.


  2. Patty Magyar says:

    I won't know til I get it but the pages are rumored to be great…longer battery…and I think it charges differently…not sure until it's in my hands…but I am really hard on Kindles! I know what you mean about Den and the end of this…he sees a light and I see more fear…for awhile anyway…


  3. Laurel-Rain Snow says:

    Oh, you are doing so well…you have a positive attitude, but it's okay to feel frustrated by this long and very difficult journey.

    I hope this Kindle is everything you hope, but going through so many versions is discouraging. Should I be expecting mine to die soon? I've had it for a couple of years (I think…time flies!).

    Annoying characters make me feel like throwing things, and I have this beachy read…maybe I'll wait a while.

    Thanks for sharing.


  4. Paging Through Books says:

    Sorry that things are a bit rough right now. Of course you want to cry– it's your body's way of releasing all that stress, so go ahead! All your blogger friends are offering their shoulder for you to cry on!

    I'm hard on all my e-readers, as is my son. My husband will get one and keep it 'til he wants a newer model, but I'm frequently running into the “won't charge anymore and the screen is blank” problem. {better than my son, who lost one on a train, plus stepped on the screen on another}.

    Amazon should address this charging issue. Are we doing it wrong, or is there only a limited amount of times you can charge up? I had an older version Paperwhite only last 1 1/2 years. Plus an older Fire bite the dust for some unknown reason. Usually though it's more like 3-ish years. I've had an e-reader, though used to have Nooks but switched teams, since the very first ones rolled out. I was so excited for this concept!

    I would love to get the new Oasis… I hear it's awesome… so enjoy it, Patty!


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