Flowers All Planted But…

The deer ate a few of them and I forgot to buy a few spares! I put in lots of different kinds of petunias because deer aren’t supposed to like them but they nibbled a few and totally ate one pot of purple verbenas! We drove back out to the Amish Flower Farm yesterday and got a few more verbenas! Den planted all afternoon yesterday. It was hot and humid and he came in exhausted! The flowers are beautifully tended at the farm…always well watered and ready to pop into planters. I even found a huge lobelia plant in the color I needed. We also planted two big pots of herbs for the sunny side of the deck. I am so flower happy!

I finished Montauk yesterday and it was really a lovely book. A perfect book for a summer vacation. History, romance, glitz and glamour…it has it all!

Just started this one and so far so good…

Probably next?


No week end plans yet…seeing where the weather takes us?

Back on Monday…


15 thoughts on “Flowers All Planted But…

  1. DEZZY says:

    OMG you evolved from dog ate my homework to deer ate my flowers 🙂 It is hot here as well!
    Nice colour combo on that Montauk cover. I’ve started translating Anthony Ryan’s Raven’s Shadow epic trilogy for the readers in my country this week!


      • DEZZY says:

        Yes, read type read type read type…. but I’m so quick I usually don’t even read the whole sentence first LOL I just translate as I read it word by word and then fix it if it needs fixing 🙂
        And I adjust the style of vocabulary and language as I go too, if a writer even has a style, of course. Naturally, I have to stop wherever there’s a difficult word, a look it up, but mostly just when I need a better synonym. I also make it my business to adjust the sentence to my language, so that is looks like the writer wrote the novel in my language not English, not many translators do that which is why most translations feel mechanical and lifeless.


  2. BermudaOnion says:

    Now that Den’s through at your house, he can come plant at ours. 🙂 Montauk sounds delightful.

    By the way, I hate unexpected dentist appointments, too, but I was glad I didn’t swallow the crown and it didn’t happen while I was in New York.


  3. Kathryn says:

    That lobelia is totally gorgeous and nice to find all grown like that. Oh I thought snails were bad enough, but deer! Really! I have seen a little bit of The First Mistake around, hope its good engrossing reading.


  4. lakesidemusing says:

    Montauk sounds wonderful… great review on goodreads! I got my herbs today, but they were out of both rosemary and sage. Off to another place tomorrow and then on to the flowers! Enjoy the weekend. The weather will finally be good here and, hopefully, for you too!


  5. Stephanie@Fairday's Blog says:

    I have so much yard work to do- but I have to make it to the last day of school first. Too many things I am trying to wrap up there! Plus, my husband’s allergies are off the charts the last week. Hopefully next weekend will be better for outdoor work.

    Glad you are getting in some good reading. 🙂


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