Sunday Chillaxing…Lucy Makes Three!!!

This is our Sunday afternoon …each of us has our own special spot…I am on the big comfy sofa…with pillows and a furry coverlet.  Dennis is sitting in the overstuffed big red chair with feet propped up on the ottoman…Lucy is on the antique mission rocker…but she is on top of a tiny little heating pad and a soft baby blanket…there is a stuffed handmade Christmas snowman on the chair with her…she seems to like him…so far…if she decides she doesn’t like him…I will find him face down on the floor.  I am not quite sure what is on Lucy’s mind in this photo.  She seemed to be fondly looking at the mantel.  For something…to damage…she suddenly loves chewing on anything that looks like pine…time to put away Christmas.
It snowed yesterday…big soft flakes and tiny furious flakes.  After a quick trip to mail some things…we stayed in…we snuggled up to a fire and had Slow Cooker Taco Soup for dinner.  You must try this…easy and amazing.  From Allrecipes…here is the recipe…actually just click on the link above.  I did not have a packet of taco seasoning.  I usually do not use this but add instead cumin and chili seasoning…it worked perfectly.  We always have ours with taco chips and sour cream and avocado slices on top.  I also throw in frozen corn and any bean I have.  I think what I am saying is you can reasonably alter this recipe and it still tastes like tacos.  I did not add canned tomato sauce but rather fresh frozen from our garden.  It cooks all day and is superlatively wonderful for dinner.  Truly wonderful…like a messy taco only you can eat it neatly with a spoon.

Keeping her distance from Frosty.

4 thoughts on “Sunday Chillaxing…Lucy Makes Three!!!

  1. Ti says:

    She even has a heating pad? She sure knows how to live!

    I've used that same recipe. You are right. It's very forgiving and highly flexible. I skip the taco seasoning because it usually has MSG but have never been disappointed with just added my own array of spices.

    Today it is supposed to be 70 according to the weather guy but it's has not gotten even close. I'm not sure what he was thinking.


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