A Bevy Of Beautiful Books…


Finished this…I do love fantasy but I am not a fan of faeries…they are far too squirrelly, tricky and not very nice to humans.  This was a fun book…but I won’t be reading about any more fae folk for a while.  

This one?  

Can’t stop reading it and it’s not even out until January.  It is weird and I am not sure where it’s going but it’s really hard to stop reading it.  An tossed out wife…a new wife…a controlling husband…an old formula but it really works in this book. 

This one…

I did have to stop reading this but I may go back to it…I wanted to really love it because it’s a retelling of Little Women but I think it’s written oddly.  It’s choppy and I think it sounds unfinished but I could be totally wrong thinking this.  It’s as though I don’t trust my thoughts about this book.  I may go back to it because I read quite a lot of it but ultimately I had to put it down.  It has one review on Goodreads that is written in a foreign language and I can’t find out anything else about it…a ton of people want to read it but that’s all I know.  I didn’t think it was a YA book but I don’t even really know that for certain.  I may have fallen for the cover…which is lovely…but I wanted so much more from this book. 

I am still reading and loving this fast paced different fantasy…Lady Amalia Cornaro has to be accidentally tethered to a wild and crazy fire warlock named Zaira.  If Zaira is untethered she could set everything on fire.  So this relationship is unwanted by both girls yet it’s not possible to untether them.  The world building is neat…travel is by boat…I picture Venice like cities and gondolas.  The writing is fantastic and there is humor mixed in with danger…my perfect combo! 

So…I want to finish The Tethered Mage and The Wife Between Us and then decide what I am in the mood for…

I have a yen for old English mysteries like these…

Blog thoughts…

I do not love WordPress…especially on my iPad.  I still don’t have Goodreads and NetGalley widgets up and I now have to go back and forth from my iPad to my laptop to do lots of things and it is so annoying.  Even posting from my iPad is tricky.  All of a sudden I can’t resize pictures so I have no clue how gigantic this last photo will look.  I have yet to see what my blog really looks like because I can’t see the sidebar.  I miss my blue background and book…that was so me…sigh!  

Sorry…I needed to rant and rave…



16 thoughts on “A Bevy Of Beautiful Books…

  1. Laurel-Rain Snow says:

    So…I guess posting from your laptop isn’t working for you? I know it does take a while to get used to laptops….I used to blog on a desktop, so the laptop was a big change for me. Now I can’t imagine anything else.

    I guess you got used to blogging on the iPad, and that’s your comfort zone. I hope you find your WP love soon!

    I want to read that book The Wife Between Us.

    Enjoy your week….


  2. Mary says:

    The Wife Between Us is getting some great reviews so I look forward to your thoughts on it.
    Re blogging platforms: it takes me forever to get used to anything new, any changes, etc but, once I do I can’t remember how it was before. Maybe that’s my age showing, lol. I hope things become easier for you with WP.


  3. lakesidemusing says:

    Those old English mysteries look good to me… perfect time to read them, too. WP just scares me! I set up an account years ago and couldn’t even get the hang of the test blog. Hope you’re able to get used to it 🙂


  4. Stefanie says:

    Yeah, I feel an iPad is limited for some things. I do everything on this laptop here. And yes, WP is not as diverse as Blogspot. I have that Raven book and the retelling of Little Women on my TBR. I’m not a fan of angels and dragons in fantasy.


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