It’s All About Life Today…And Books…And A Cool Dress…

I am tired today…my day is literally just about getting dressed and trying to stay pain free. I can’t go on the treadmill today…I am not really excited by a walk outside today…but it’s ok. I can deal with it all and it will be fine. I can even deal with a neighbor yelling at our lawn crew…they work so hard and I hate for them to get reprimanded. And I thank God for another neighbor who helped me through my tears this morning. Den is out trying to buy yet another refrigerator and I am lounging with the kitties and feeling better already.

I miss my mom…I always think about her strength and whether I have any of it. She would have done anything for me. She was sweet and funny and strong and she always wanted to hold my arm or my hand. When we left after a visit she would stay out on the lawn and wave until we couldn’t see her any more. She never wanted me to leave.

This is my favorite picture of us with my Aunt Jenny…my Aunt Jenny is the glam one in the cool sunglasses. I think my entire family were clothes fanatics like me! I am kind of proud of that!

At my brother’s wedding…notice the hand holding…if I close my eyes I can still feel her soft hands…I love this photo of all of us! But my mom looks sad? Pensive? My dad looks like he has just imbibed in his fave cocktail…too funny!

Secret…I saved that suit I was wearing…I loved it so much! It’s still in a closet! Maybe I won’t look so bad in short hair?


This book just continues to evolve and change…I love the characters and their relationships…or rather their lack of relationships…with their mom and with each other. The question is whether or not any of these relationships can be fixed. This book just gets better with each turning page.

Over the weekend I want to read these…it’s supposed to be rainy here all weekend…and since Den and I are both without living mothers…it’s a little bit of a sad day for us. It’s also just my luck to have to deal with Neulasta pain over this weekend…sigh!

Love these shoes…they are actually a light pink!

Love this dress…

It’s on sale at Alternative…it’s soft jersey…perfect for summer…I most likely bought it…

Hungry for sushi!

Hungry for seaweed salad!

It must be all the chemicals in my body that make me crave weird things…I crave sushi but I am really afraid to eat anything raw. Sigh!

The ending…

Have a wonderful week end…I will see you on Monday with more books and more book talks!




18 thoughts on “It’s All About Life Today…And Books…And A Cool Dress…

  1. Patty Magyar says:

    I know what you mean…about the crying…now I cry when I leave my sister…Den and I make her stand outside and wave like my mom did…we can be sick puppies…heeheehee…


  2. June says:

    Those are such great photos, Patty. I didn't recognize you with the short hair! It becomes you. 🙂
    I like those shoes, but I worry the ribbons/laces will become undone as I walk, so I've always avoided that style even though I love the look. Have you worn this type before?


  3. DMS says:

    I hope Den was able to find a fridge! Love the family photos. Short hair will look awesome on you! Glad you are reading such an interesting book. I love books that are fun like the Jane Green one. 🙂

    Have a lovely Sunday!


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