Yummy Books…

So…the girls and I have some quiet time for a few hours this morning.  Den is running errands…he needs new grips…not sure exactly what that involves…the girls need food…he found a new fave that they are lapping up…but it’s only at Petsmart…and that’s far far away.  And he is picking up salads for lunch from this amazing place we love called honeygrow…it’s spelled in lower case letters.  Ti!  You would love this place!  It has tons of GF options…noodles and more plus great salads.  They do not keep a walk in fridge so everything is fresh every day!  I think I am getting a Cobb Salad today.  But…I might make a last minute change to their Tuna Salad!

The girls are resting comfortably while Den is shopping.  They sense a treat is coming there way!

We watched this yesterday.  I thought it was beautiful!  Lovely…amazing…sad…joyous!  I also watched Thor again…love that movie!  We are in that hot humid can’t even breathe outside weather!  It clears up…it rains…it gets humid and then starts all over again!  It’s supposed to be this same weather pattern for days and days.


I love to get new books!  These are from St. Martin’s Press…And NetGalley…

These are from the publishers through Edelweiss…I also got a real book copy of Melmoth but now I feel as though I need to read her first book because they are connected.  Kathy…did you know that?  I know you got a copy, too.

I need to read much faster.  I am finishing this today.  It’s one of those books where the chapters alternate between the 1940’s and the present.  It meanders until you get the connection and now it’s really good.  I have no clue what I will read next.


Den and I are conducting an experiment.  We are trying to see if when we are in the car or sitting on the deck we can maybe listen to a book.  We chose this but I am not sure why.  We got through the prologue this morning.  More on this experiment later.


I may or may not have mentioned this before but although we go out to lunch to different places…I have only been able to go to Hearth Kitchen for dinner.  It’s all a part of where I feel safe because of cancer and chemo and my hair…my usual issues.

Plus July is like a honeymoon month…I don’t have to think about blood tests or anything until September.  Sigh!

Hearth Kitchen feels so safe to me.  They know us there.  They smile.  They make me feel safe…and happy.  They probably wonder why we are there so often.  But like our bedroom/apartment…it’s healing for me.  Anyway we went to a new restaurant a little further away on Saturday…Verbena.  It’s new, too.  It wasn’t crowded.  The people there went out of their way to be comforting.  The food was incredible and it was beautiful, too.  And best of all…it was in our little town…people were out and about…and I still felt safe there.   Below are pix of our little town…Den had that salmon…the chef flies it in from Australia…and it was amazing.

Back to my book!


19 thoughts on “Yummy Books…

  1. Laurel-Rain Snow says:

    Going to favorite neighborhood spots is very comforting…I do the same. I have a handful of restaurants that I enjoy on my own…and others in which I share the experience with friends or family.

    I’ve been thinking of this little bistro near the theater which is my “going to the movies” place, and realize I haven’t been this month. The movies haven’t appealed to me. I am looking forward to the schmaltzy Mama Mia II. I have the soundtrack from the first movie, and put the CD in my little jukebox CD player to dance…another form of exercise.

    I had There There on hold through Libby…but then removed it, since books were coming my way too quickly. I may need to add it.

    What is the name of your little town? It looks like something I might have seen in a movie.

    Enjoy your week….


    • Patty Magyar says:

      Kennett Square…I am not sure if it was in a movie or not but the area was known for an old Sean Penn movie about a local family…I love that I am not alone about safe comfy places! I have to google the movie name…just did…At Close Range.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. BermudaOnion says:

    I’ll take a Highland Summer salad from Honeygrow.

    I need to read faster, too. I didn’t know Melmoth is connected to Perry’s first book.

    Hearth Kitchen doesn’t wonder why you’re there so often – they’re happy to see you.

    I love audio books but not all of them work for me. I think you and Den just need to figure out what kind works for y’all.


  3. Mary says:

    I love a Cobb salad. My reading is so slow these days. I’m almost at the point of procrastinating when it comes to my review books. Yikes. That hasn’t happened much in the last ten years of blogging. It will pass.


  4. lakesidemusing says:

    I know what you mean about cozy, safe places to eat. We had a wonderful farm-to-table restaurant in out town that closed a couple of years ago after a 10 year run – over a rent dispute, among other things. We still miss it! The salads look so good. I made some apple-pecan chicken salad yesterday that we’ll be having for lunch for the next couple of days.

    So many beautiful book covers! And I’m glad you’re trying audiobooks…it can be tough to find a type that works for you. There, There is on my wish list.


  5. Ti says:

    That restaurant really is calling my name! They opened a True Food restaurant in Pasadena. I hope to hit it soon. It has Oprah’s backing, apparently. It sounds very much like your restaurant. Lots of GF and vegan options, everything sustainably grown or raised, super fresh. I made myself a big bowl of greens at Whole Foods the other day and added big chunks of Feta and marinated beets. Gosh, it was good.


  6. Kathryn says:

    All those books look so good and others seem to have enjoyed The Subway Girls. Good you feel safe at that restaurant and sounds like home away from home! Cats looking great!


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